Original Signature |
GOV 27201(b)(1) |
Requires original signature(s) on all instruments, papers, or notices presented for recording except as otherwise provided by law. A certified copy is also acceptable. Related topic: Re-recording |
Page and Sheet Defined |
GOV 27361.5 |
(a) "Page" is one printed side of a single piece of paper being 8-½" x 11". (b) "Sheet" is one printed side of a single piece of paper which is not exactly 8-½" x 11" but not greater than 8-½" x 14". |
First Page or Sheet |
GOV 27361.6 |
The first page of all documents presented for recording must conform to the following requirements: - At least the top 2-½ inches of the first page shall be reserved for recording information.
- The left 3-½ inches of this space shall be used by the public to show the name of the person requesting recording and the name and address to which the document is to be returned following recording.
- All documents submitted for recording shall have at least a ½ inch margin on the two vertical sides except in the space reserved for recording information.
- Title or titles shall be captioned on the first page of a document immediately below the space reserved for the recorder.
If the document being presented for recording does not comply with this format, the person requesting recording must attach, as the first page of the document, a sheet which meets these requirements. Standard recording fees will be charged for this page. Refer to the sample lead page for further clarification.
Document Titles |
GOV 27324 |
All documents must have the title or titles of the document contained herein. Only that title or titles captioned on the first page of a document immediately below the space reserved for the recorder will be indexed. |
Fees |
GOV 27361(a)(2) |
If any part of a document does not conform to the definition of a page then a $3.00 surcharge shall be charged for every page or sheet of the document. |
Recorder ID Number or Book and Page |
GOV 27361.6 |
Any document which modifies, releases, or cancels the provisions of a previously recorded document shall state the recorder identification number or the book and page of the document being modified, released, or canceled.
Notary Acknowledgment | CIV 1189 | Any certificate of acknowledgment taken within the State of California shall be in this format. |
Notary Jurat | GOV 8202 | Any affidavit subscribed and sworn to before a notary in the State of California shall have attached a jurat in this format. |
Re-recording | GOV 27201(c) et seq. | Pursuant to AB 1974 (Chapter 406, Statutes of 2016) , the following requirements are effective January 1, 2017: Any instrument, paper, or notice presented for re-recording must be re-signed and re-acknowledged or re-verified as a new document unless any of the following apply: - Document is otherwise exempted by Section 27287 or any other law.
- Document is being recorded solely to correct a recording sequence.
- Document is being recorded solely to make a minor correction with a corrective affidavit.
A document being re-recorded to make a "minor correction" must be presented with a Corrective Affidavit that satisfies all of the following requirements: - Must be attached to the original recorded document.
- Must set out the information corrected.
- Must be certified by the party submitting the affidavit under penalty of perjury.
- Must be acknowledged pursuant to Section 27287.
A “minor correction” is defined as: - An incorrect or missing address of the party to which the document is to be returned following recording.
- An incorrect or missing printed or typed name of an individual or entity near the signature.
- An incorrect or missing documentary transfer tax amount due.
- Clarification of illegible text.
Each re-recorded document must include a cover sheet that complies with Section 27361.6. The reason for re-recording must be stated on the cover sheet. |
* Codes sections are published on the California Legislative Information website.
Information and forms are also available at the Sacramento County Public Law Library located at 609 - 9th Street, First Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 874-6012.