Clerk​/Recorder Updates​​​​​​

​​​​DMV REAL ID deadline extended to May 2025


​The County Clerk/Recorder's mission is to provide responsive, efficient, and cost-effective service to customers while maintaining the highest degree of respect, fairness, public trust and integrity.  Such service is balanced to reflect compliance with statutory requirements and the needs of our customers.

Our office carries out the following functions on behalf of Sacramento County: 

  • Issues and registers marriage licenses 
  • Performs civil marriage ceremonies 
  • Registers notaries public, process servers, professional photocopiers, legal document assistants (LDAs), and unlawful detainer assistants (UDAs)
  • Files environmental impact reports
  • Records or files authorized documents and maps 
  • Documents received by this office, prior to 3:00 p.m., in-person or electronically, will be recorded the same day, provided they meet all recording requirements. Documents submitted after 3:00 p.m. will be recorded the next business day, and payment must be in the form of cash or check.
  • Preserves the official archive of legally recordable documents 
  • Maintains records of all marriages, births, and deaths occurring within Sacramento County (Note: Divorce records are maintained by the Superior Court) ​
  • Issues birth, death and marriage certificates, and certified copies of recorded documents 

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Contact Us

​Contact us for more information about County Clerk/Recorder services including: recording documents, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses and certificates, preliminary 20-day notices, and professional registrations.

In Person
Visit one of our office locations.

By Mail
Sacramento County Clerk/Recorder
3636 American River Drive, Suite 110
Sacramento, CA 95864              ​                        

By Email
Send an email request to the County Clerk/Recorder.  

By Telephone
General Information
(916) 874-6334

Toll Free outside the 916 area code but within California
(800) 313-7133

Hearing Impaired
1-800-735-2929 (TDD/TTY) or 711 for California Relay Service

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General Information